Like-New: NPC Sheet PDF Re-Release, & A Few Words About the Modding Community.

Thank You For Your Patience!

Hi everyone! It’s been a few weeks since I posted this article and it has come to my attention that there are a few issues with the original. So I went back to the drawing board and today I am happy to say we are moving in the right direction.

Continue reading “Like-New: NPC Sheet PDF Re-Release, & A Few Words About the Modding Community.”

Night City Map in Google Earth!

Hello everyone! Few weeks ago I saw Writers Chtulhu’s Night City map posted by Henri Spitfires and I was amazed by its details and accuracy. I saw the perfect resemblance of the Morro Rock that is pretty similar to the original one, so I thought: can this map become “real”? Well, I sent a message to a friend of mine who’s a geologist and a TRPG player like me and in few time he succeeded on putting the Nigh City map on Google Earth thanks to the Morro Rock references applied on the real world! With Google Earth application, you can measure distance between places using the Ruler tool and you can change the Unit of Measurement. In order to use the file, you need to install Google Earth (better if Pro, it’s free) on your device. I hope you like it!

Introducing Cyberpunk Data Shards – fillable short Adventures!

The community is always hard at work creating amazing stories, inspiring others with incredible plots and daring adventures. We’ve designed a handy and easy to use fillable PDF, capturing your adventure in an easy compact format, prime for serving as a personal summary for your next session (or an addition to your ever-growing list of adventures you’ll get round to running “one day”).
You can also share your adventures with the community, making sure to capture:
– All the main plot points
– Your hook
– Any important NPCs
– Encounters and loot

We’ll be using the same templates to publish exciting One-Shot adventures soon, so watch this space!

Fillable PDF Screamsheet – WBN

Hey Y’all!

I love the screamsheets in the Cyberpunk Red rulebook, and ended up taking a lot of inspiration from the extra little articles included, rather than running the single page adventures paired with them. So I went ahead and made a fillable pdf version of the screamsheet with custom news stories, branding, and in-universe ad. This one features custom branding for World Broadcast Network, which is one of the big media corps mentioned but not detailed in the core book. Download the PDF here. And if you end up using this sheet a whole bunch, consider buying Arcane a coffee.


New Author Introduction – JackRock

Greetings, Chombattas! Allow myself to introduce….myself. My name is Ryan, but I more often go by my Handle, JackRock. Or JR. Or a slew of other four-letter words that most human resources departments might fire somebody over. But let’s get on to the stuff you’re here to read about. Cyberpunk, the game, genre, attitude, the meta, and…everything.

I’ve recently been asked to join the Cyberpunk Uncensored team as a blog author to help provide more posts, as well as create a higher diversity of content. The idea is to be an immense resource for GMs, players, and fans of the genre.

I’ve been a cyberpunk fan since….

Continue reading “New Author Introduction – JackRock”


Tim Charzinski created a set of Netrunner Cards for Cyberpunk Red. He has chosen some more descriptive icons, than the appearance from the rulebook. This is because something like, “a trail of dust appearing behind the Netrunner“ is hard to find or, “a cloud of blinding, glowing, multi-colored lights“ is hard to identify as protection.

Some texts are slightly shortened, so be sure to look up the corresponding page in the core rulebook to learn all the details.


Beyond dimensions: The man who married a hologram

By Emiko Jozuka, CNN With Hidetaka Sato, Albert Chan and Tara Mulholland, CNN.Updated 12:19 PM EST, Sat December 29, 2018

Editor’s Note: This project was supported by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

(CNN) —  

Akihiko Kondo doesn’t have the air of a rebel. This year, however, the bespectacled school administrator bucked conventional norms.

He married a hologram.

Continue reading “Beyond dimensions: The man who married a hologram”