SCREAMSHEETS – Issue #3 (SyrinScape Campaign Starter)

The latest from IMG, this ScreamSheet was designed for Rob Mulligan’s newest campaign with SyrinScape!

  • A Designer Plague Hits Night City?
  • Night City Gets Trounced In Murderball
  • Serial Killer Richard Simmons?!

Articles written by: Edward O’Casey (Community Submission), Rob Mulligan, FerrousBueller & CapriciousNature
Graphics by: Morrison, Grae, WookieKev & CapriciousNature
Layout & Editing by: CapriciousNature & FortuitousBob
Available Attachments: PDF & JPG Versions!

April 15th – 2045 – Screamsheet Image

Got ScreamSheet story ideas? Want to be featured on the community ScreamSheets? Look no further than our ScreamSheets submission page! Articles, Graphics, full ScreamSheets, what ever you’re interested in sharing, feel free to send it through, and get featured in the community.

Thanks Choombas!

SCREAMSHEETS – Issue #2 (April Fools Edition)

This is our SPECIAL, April Fools Edition Screamsheet! We have both a Screamsheet AND a DATA-SHARD that can be given to your players for a One-Shot gig, wrapped up in the world!

Bring a little levity, horror, and world building, to your Cyberpunk Game with this wonderful Screamsheet & One-Shot Data-Shard, featuring work from community contributors, our team, and stat-blocks from the Core Rulebook. The Data-Shard includes Form Fillable entries, for GMs to customize names, as well as take notes & share. Enjoy Choombas~

Free Cyberpunk Red Screamsheets! – For past issues or to submit your article or fake ad, check out the screamsheet page of our website: We’d love to have you part of the next issue so hit us up ASAP!