New Author Introduction – JackRock

Greetings, Chombattas! Allow myself to introduce….myself. My name is Ryan, but I more often go by my Handle, JackRock. Or JR. Or a slew of other four-letter words that most human resources departments might fire somebody over. But let’s get on to the stuff you’re here to read about. Cyberpunk, the game, genre, attitude, the meta, and…everything.

I’ve recently been asked to join the Cyberpunk Uncensored team as a blog author to help provide more posts, as well as create a higher diversity of content. The idea is to be an immense resource for GMs, players, and fans of the genre.

I’ve been a cyberpunk fan since….

somewhere about 1991 or 1992 when I ran across a copy of Cyberpunk 2020. I wasn’t aware at the time of CP 2013 yet, but I liked what I saw. I ran a game as a young teenager and was hooked. The sheer grittiness, the technology, the dark attitudes, and the idea that The Man (government) was kicked off the top of the mountain by a bigger The Man (corporations). The seemingly hopeless fight by edgerunners and survivors. It all just seemed like too much – and I wanted more.

So I wound up running a year-long game when I was in Monterey, California. Five military members and one veteran, all sitting around a table with pizza, starbursts, and other snack sundries, and we had the time of our lives. Full borg conversions (recurring NPC), fixers who became almost Godfather like, a rockerboy who had a panther biosculpt job, and several others. Every Saturday just filled with weird shit and edgerunners trying to figure out what was going on (spoiler alert: I, as the GM, didn’t have a clue, either).

I’m now playing a fixer in an online game with the Cyberpunk Red system. We’ve run two sessions already, and I’m having an absolute blast.

So what can you expect from me? Well, I hope a lot. I have several ideas that I’ve kicked around with Rob and the other writers, so here’s some ideas that I’ll be working on over the coming months (and maybe years):

  • Short one-shot stories (stories in a single post)
  • Longer serial stories (stories spread across multiple posts)
  • NPCs/Pregens from those same stories
  • Any new GM resources (downloadable materials)
  • FAQs if we see common questions popping up in main chats
  • Story ideas for GMs
  • Character History ideas for PCs
  • Self-contained news articles for Cyberpunk Red and 2020
  • Book and movie reviews from the cyberpunk genre
  • Map maker interviews
  • VTT Maker interviews and introductions
  • VTT Map downloads

I’m sure we’ll come up with more. And if you’ve got a topic you’d like to see, or ideas for any of the above, please contact me through Reddit or Discord.