Gleaming the RED: a breakdown of changes from Cyberpunk 2020 to Cyberpunk RED

written by: Eric Michael Gonzalez


Listen up you primitive screw heads the 2nd edition of Cyberpunk 2020 was released 30 years ago and soon Cyberpunk RED will be hitting friendly local game stores, digital hubs and night markets around the globe. Now I won’t be going into the roots of cyberpunk literature, film and its trans-humanism philosophy, because for the majority of you Smash has nuked your brain to the point where some of you can’t tell the difference between a Gibson guitar or a Gibson supercomputer. So I’ll keep it simple for you all and go over how the rules have changed from Cyberpunk 2020 to Cyberpunk Red. This won’t be a deep dive, but more of a drive by, so buckle up choombas and get ready for the break down.

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Clone Insurance Part VII

Jodie’s Basement Part 2

I was pretty sure I was dying.  Jodie had done a lot of damage.  It hurt to breathe.  I guessed the lung was filling with blood or something else.  I coughed weakly and it hurt so badly I cried.  I was pretty sure that my shattered ribs was preventing my diaphragm from working correctly.  If I couldn’t inhale deeply, pneumonia was SURE to set in.  I was feeling like I was impossibly heavy.  The pain was a dull controlled chaos as long as I didn’t move, she had drugged me with something different this time, but with what I have no idea.  I experimented with moving my good arm and realized that I was strapped to the old hospital gurney I woke up on.  It was adjusted so that I was sitting up.  

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A Chapter of an upcoming novel (By Rebecca Schmidt)

Bang! Bang! Bang! Startled, Kee jumped, looking up from the page she was colouring at the kitchen table. Someone was at the door. Twisting, she looked behind her to where her sister had disappeared into the bedroom they shared, but she didn’t see her.

Bang! Bang! Bang! More pounding made her gasp, and her hands clenched. The sharp snapping sound of the crayon she’d been holding made her look down at her right hand. Opening her fingers, she stared down at the two broken halves as they fell from her grip to land on the table with a little click, flakes of colour following. It was her favourite colour, the one she always chose first – Leaf Green. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at the broken pieces.

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Dreaming in Infrared

by Marcus Pregent

I can’t feel my legs anymore. But then, I quit feeling pretty much anything eons ago. I lay here against a cold brick building in an alley with graffiti-covered walls. The tinkling sound of hydraulic fluid leaking out of my now useless legs roars in my hyper-amplified ears. I’m bathed in light; red, blue, and pulsing like the slowing of my heartbeat. Funny how things get clearer the closer to death you get…

I’m not sure when it was exactly that the tech addiction set in. All I do know is that it’s been a mad monkey on my back for longer than I care to think about. Perhaps it was that skinwatch or maybe it was the neural processor and interface plugs. All I wanted was to get that promotion at work, at first. Sooner than I could’ve thought possible that lead to criminal activity to fund my habit. Once I’d gotten a taste of the Net, I had to have more! I mean direct, neural interface, not through some lame VR goggles. The power and feel of the new tech ‘neath my skin was too powerful to escape. It made crystal meth look like Sanka.

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