Is lawyering up premeditation?

Meanwhile, in Australia … a mining company, Rio Tinto apologizes for blowing up 46,000-year-old sacred indigenous site in Australia’s Pilbara region. Which was half-arsed, especially considering that they lawyered up beforehand. This hypocrisy was pointed out by Australia’s satirical news service, the Chaser, who quipped Indigenous group apologise after accidentally blowing up Rio Tinto’s headquarters.

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Will the Facebook fix be a drug Europe turns down?

This article about Facebook threatening to pull out of Europe is like a ‘dorph addict saying the drug needs them more than they need it. (The article is doing the rounds on sites like Futurism and SocialMediaToday, along with some discussion on Slashdot) Most of which feeds my carefactor of zero. However, this does serve as an example of corporate bully-boy tactics that can do wrong.

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Changing the game with ubiquitous micro-computers

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer with the same capacities as a laptop or desktop, but with less power. These micro-systems are used to embed web-technology and help create the Internet of Things (IoT). I have used them to create a micro-webserver and a cloud-based file sharing. So let’s have a look at how these cheap little bad boys can be used in a cyberpunk setting.

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