UPDATE: Auto-Calculating Character Sheet Upgrade With New Mod Column for Cyberpunk Red.

Auto Calculating Fillable PDF

Updates: 1/11/21 V1.2 and Printable Version Now Available.

As requested by you guys I made a printable version of the sheet. See the links above.

After getting some feedback and trying to find fixes, I had to pull the Skill Level Feature for now until I can figure out how to make it work correctly. Currently working on how to get 2x Skills to show up in the Skill LVL Total block as double what they are in their text block.

If anyone has a solution or ideas please feel free to share in the comments or message me on Discord: Mastronaut84#3585 or on Reddit: u/Mastronauts84 

TLDR version: I Upgraded the Fillable Character Sheet by R. Talsorian Games.

This upgraded sheet now auto-calculates Skill Bases and gets around that pesky gear and cyberware skill bonus issue once and for all with the addition of a MOD column. The upgraded sheet also features a Skill Level total (stay tuned) and a Stat total block for easier character generation and auditing when using the Complete Package rules. Last but not least, I made the Local Expert: Your Home skill block editable so players may now clarify where their home is.

Other Fixes and Additions:

Along with these changes, I created a second version that features a new Backstory page. This new page features a large fillable text-block that players can use to write their backstory, take notes, and most importantly flesh-out their character’s look. Freeing up the Fashion block on page 2 of the sheet for listing clothing and fashion gear choices. As these upgrades took place I took the opportunity to make some other fixes and modifications to the sheet. Like for instance centering that annoying Handgun Skill Level block. Or adding text wrapping to some of the text blocks in the Lifepath section. (Check out the end of the post for a complete list of fixes and modifications if that is your type of thing

What Possesed Me To Do This?

So why would I go and do such a thing you may ask? Good question! I am not sure. I would like to say it’s because I am a good guy, but really it is because I have too much time on my hands. It is clear the team at R. Talsorian Games has put a lot of hard work into Cyberpunk Red, and I wanted to make a character sheet that alingened with the experience. I also love the Cyberpunk community and the RPG community as a whole. So I guess this was a labor of love in a way. I hope you guys enjoy this auto calculating sheet and find it useful. This project is a work in progress, and I plan to make more upgrades in the months to come so stay tuned, and if you have ideas, comments, or critiques please leave a comment.

As Promised, A List of Fixes and Modifications:

Modified: In Skill blocks, added MOD category. To be used when you get a skill bonus from Cybernetics or Gear.

Modified: In Local Knowledge: Your Home, added editable text block so players can list where thier home is.

Modified: To side of Skill blocks, added a LVL Check box that tallies the total amount of skills spent during character creation for quick and easy auditing.  

Modified: To side of Skill blocks, added Stat Check box that tallies the total amount of stat points spent during character creation for quick and easy auditing.  

Modified: In Skill blocks, locked Skill Bases for all skills.

Modified: In Sill blocks, modified all Skill Base fields on the sheet to auto-calculate all Skill Bases automatically.

Modified: In Lifepath block, What Do You Value Most?, Feelings About People?, Most Valued Person, Most Valued Possession, Family Background, Childhood Environment, Friends, and Tragic Love Affairs fields are now all centered, and text wrapping is turned on so the boxes can contain more details for players who would prefer to flesh them out a bit.   

Modified: In Lifepath block, the Reputation Events field now has text wrapping turned on so the box can contain more details

Modified: In Lifepath block Enemies Who? The field is now larger, centered and text wrapping is turned on so the boxes can contain more details for players who would prefer to flesh them out a bit. All other fields in the Enemies section of the Lifepath block are centered and text wrapping is turned on so the boxes can contain more details as well.

Fixed: In Skill blocks, field Names for Pilot Air Vehicle Total (Base) and Riding Total (Base) were mislabeled as Dance Total (Base) and Endurance Total (Base) respectively causing calculations to return the wrong value.

Fixed: In Skill blocks, the Handgun Skill Lvl field is now centered to be uniform with all other similar fields.