Marcus Pregent made a sourcebook of Los Angeles to use for Cyberpunk Red! Download it for free below and use it in your game! Feel free to share it with friends and help the community grow!
We love Cyberpunk and the more we can spread the lore and options, the more fun we have! It helps open our gameplay to expanding the possibilities! -Thanks Choom!

Hey Cyberpunk Game-masters!
If you’re looking for a Free Cyberpunk Red One-Shot Campaign to run for your team, then you’re in the right place! This campaign adventure is perfect for beginning to mid-level characters set in the Cyberpunk Red world using Cyberpunk Red rules!
The Last Of Us TTRPG (Fallout 2D20 reskinned as TLoU)

GM Brandon Perkins is streaming an ongoing TTRPG on the Cybernation Uncensored twitch channel It’s using Fallout 2D20 base rules & concepts by Modiphius Ent. but altered and reskinned to fit the theme/genre of The Last Of Us! If you like TLoU video game or new series streaming on HBO, then you’ll love the TTRPG! Complete player agency set in the world of The Last Of Us franchise!
Continue reading “The Last Of Us TTRPG (Fallout 2D20 reskinned as TLoU)”Fallout 2D20 GM Screen

Hey Vault Dwellers & Wastelanders!
One of our community overseers Paul M. N. Haakonsen made a GM Screen for Fallout 2D20! Check it out, there are a few versions if you prefer a quick reference sheet or the artwork front or combined! If you find it helpful, please share around on social media and help us spread the word! Also be sure to give Paul a shoutout!
Hey Choombas! Here’s a quick campaign builder (download below) I made a long time ago based on Cyberpunk 2020 that I upgraded to work with Cyberpunk RED! It will help you create an epic campaign with depth and plot hooks! Roll the dice and follow the colors from table to table to create a campaign for your next actual play of Cyberpunk RED or any futuristic, dystopian, scifi RPG game!
I made this to help the Cyberpunk community, and give it away for free, so all I ask if you consider sharing this page around online to facebook, twitter, reddit or anywhere else you think will help! I’d love for all Game Masters and Players to have access to this.
Also be sure to explore ALL the FREE ASSETS we give away on this site, by clicking the hashtag “Free-Assets”
Free Cyberpunk Red Screamsheets! – For past issues or to submit your article or fake ad, check out the screamsheet page of our website: We’d love to have you part of the next issue so hit us up ASAP!

SCREAMSHEET – David Noire Tribute
Free Cyberpunk Red Screamsheets! – For past issues or to submit your article or fake ad, check out the screamsheet page of our website: We’d love to have you part of the next issue so hit us up ASAP!

You can learn more about the character David noire by watching the Cyberpunk Uncensored ongoing one-shot streams! They start here:

Kevin Shields made this amazing supplement to help GMs and Players utilize weapons from 2020 in their Cyberpunk RED game! He created and is using a fan conversion method, not the “old guns never die” conversion method. Download and enjoy and please also take a moment to share this link online so others can make use of this great tool! -Thanks choombas!
Cyberpunk Red Fillable Portrait/Vertical Character Sheet
Hey Choombas!
As soon as I saw the official Cyberpunk Red character sheet, I knew I wanted to try making a portrait version. The official tool is great, but I’ve always preferred portrait sheets for ttrpgs, and I know others who feel the same way. This 2 page sheet also adds some small features, such as tracking for your current magazine within a firearm, support for multiple roles, and a separate section for property such as apartments and vehicles.
Download the Fillable Portrait Character Sheet Here!
Download the Fillable Portrait Character Sheet and See My Other Tools Here!
And if you like this sheet, please consider Buying me a Coffee!
Happy Edgerunning!
Night City Map in Google Earth!
Hello everyone! Few weeks ago I saw Writers Chtulhu’s Night City map posted by Henri Spitfires and I was amazed by its details and accuracy. I saw the perfect resemblance of the Morro Rock that is pretty similar to the original one, so I thought: can this map become “real”? Well, I sent a message to a friend of mine who’s a geologist and a TRPG player like me and in few time he succeeded on putting the Nigh City map on Google Earth thanks to the Morro Rock references applied on the real world! With Google Earth application, you can measure distance between places using the Ruler tool and you can change the Unit of Measurement. In order to use the file, you need to install Google Earth (better if Pro, it’s free) on your device. I hope you like it!