Techs Rejoice! This New Blueprint Sheet PDF Will Help You Craft Your Next Invention

Blueprint Submission Form: 27b/6 For Inventing and Prototyping

We have all felt it. You know that feeling you get when you stare into a well or deep hole in the ground. A gnawing anxious feeling forms in your gut and your mind starts to wander. You begin asking yourself things like: “What would happen if I fell in?” and “How far down does it go?” or “You think there’s a white rabbit down there?”

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Like-New: NPC Sheet PDF Re-Release, & A Few Words About the Modding Community.

Thank You For Your Patience!

Hi everyone! It’s been a few weeks since I posted this article and it has come to my attention that there are a few issues with the original. So I went back to the drawing board and today I am happy to say we are moving in the right direction.

Continue reading “Like-New: NPC Sheet PDF Re-Release, & A Few Words About the Modding Community.”