Custom Viruses for Your Netruns

3lektra’s deck ran out of her final Sword program, and the Kraken was still bearing down on her. The rest of the team fought beside her meat body, but weren’t of any help. She launched a desperate gambit and ran the Zap command. And to her relief, the Kraken de-rezzed, granting her access to the final level of the architecture. It was now time to release her custom virus into the system. But which surprise to leave? Decisions, decisions.

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Fear and Business in Night City, Part 2

[This fictional piece was written by me, using characters I created in Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk Red. It is set a few years before the Cyberpunk Red setting. Players in my current online game will recognize the main character. If you missed Part 1, you can find it here.]

“Pick up your jaw, and get inside the frackin’ door, Sandy”. The fixer shook his head and stepped into the room to allow the seasoned solo to close and latch the door. Walker holstered the Colt into a thigh holster, and the grim look on his face was not at all hidden by the grey beard with black streaks. This shook Sandy even more.

“Walker! For frack’s sake, tell me what you mean by ‘Muratsa is back’. You told me you put two bullets – one of them in the head – at his apartment in the arc! Six years ago!”

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Fear And Business In Night City, Part 1

[This fictional piece was written by me, using characters I created in Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk Red. It is set a few years before the Cyberpunk Red setting. Players in my current online game will recognize the main character.]

Rain fell upon the street, the neon lights of the buildings reflected off the wet pavement in brilliant greens, blues and pinks. Sandy’s dirty yellow overcoat was keeping most of it off him, but rain is rain. It will go where it goes. I’m sure this is all Arasaka’s fault, he jokingly thought. Taking refuge underneat a muddy awning, the Sandy ran face to face with an older Asian man saying something in a language the Norwegian fixer didn’t know. Sounded like Japanese, but could be Korean for all he knew.

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New Author Introduction – JackRock

Greetings, Chombattas! Allow myself to introduce….myself. My name is Ryan, but I more often go by my Handle, JackRock. Or JR. Or a slew of other four-letter words that most human resources departments might fire somebody over. But let’s get on to the stuff you’re here to read about. Cyberpunk, the game, genre, attitude, the meta, and…everything.

I’ve recently been asked to join the Cyberpunk Uncensored team as a blog author to help provide more posts, as well as create a higher diversity of content. The idea is to be an immense resource for GMs, players, and fans of the genre.

I’ve been a cyberpunk fan since….

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